Sooooooo, 4 days from now is the beginning of my new life. The seminar is not on option although I'd attend even if it were. All I have done for the past year is research my options, especially the lap band and now my journey is FINALLY about to begin! I recently was diagnosed with high blood pressure and possible polycystic ovary syndrome and thats it I refuse to have one more illness due to being obese. I'm starting this today at 246 lbs, I am 5ft5in tall and have a bmi of 41.3. My measurements are as follows: Bicep=14 in, waist= 50in, hips= 51in, thigh= 27in. My goal/healthy weight is 135, so over 100 lbs to lose folks, no small task. I am planning on joining the gym asap after surgery and recovery and walk/running the walk from obesity for the OAC (obesity action coalition), please come out and join me, there is a walk in 70 cities and if it's not near you,you can sponsor one for your town/city! Good night all :) Heres the link for the oac------>